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Using the (:if:) Directive

The (:if:) directive allows portions of a page to be included or excluded from rendering. The generic forms of the (:if:) directive are

(:if cond param:) body (:ifend:)
(:if cond param:) body (:else:) body (:ifend:)
(:if cond param:) body (:elseif cond param:) body (:ifend:)

where "cond" names a condition to be tested (described below), and "param" is a parameter or other argument to the condition. Conditions do not nest.

The built-in conditions include:


(:if name PAGENAME:)  -  current page is named "PAGENAME"
(:if group GROUPNAME:)  -  current group is named "GROUPNAME"
(:if auth LEVEL PAGENAME:)  -  viewer is authorized at "LEVEL" where LEVEL can be: read, edit, upload, attr or admin; PAGENAME is optional.
(:if authid:)  -  current viewer is authenticated
(:if true:)  -  always include text
(:if false:)  -  always exclude text (same as a comment)
(:if attachments:)  -  current page has attachments
(:if date DATE VALUE:)  -  DATE may be year-month. year-month-day is optional. Evaluates to true if VALUE is within DATE ("now" or "today" is assumed for VALUE. VALUE may be omitted, as in the following examples.)
(:if date DATE..:)  -  true if current date is DATE or later (unlimited)
(:if date DATE1..DATE2:)  -  true if current date is in range DATE1 to DATE2 (inclusive) dates are in standard format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd
(:if enabled VAR:)  -  true if PHP VAR is true
(:if enabled AuthPw:)  -  true if user has entered any password during the current browser session.
(:if equal STRING1 STRING2:)  -  true if STRING1 equals STRING2, use quotes if the string or string variable contains spaces, eg "STRING"
(:if match REG_EXPRESSION:)  -  true if current page name matches the regular expression
(:if exists PAGENAME:)  -  true if the page pagename exists

Negated forms of conditions also work:


(:if !attachments:)  -  this page has no attachments
(:if ! name PAGENAME:) current page is NOT named "PAGENAME"
(:if name -PAGENAME :)
(:if name !PAGENAME :)

Any (:if:) automatically terminates the previous one, thus markup can be easily cased (and are not nested):

(:if enabled AuthPw:)* You're logged in
(:if auth read:)* You can read
(:if auth read Group.Page:)* You can read Group.Page
(:if auth edit:)* You can edit
(:if auth upload:)* You can upload

Using wildcard placeholders

The character * can be used as a wildcard to represent any character, zero, one or multiple times.
The character ? can be used as a wildcard to represent any character exactly one time.
Wildcard characters (* and ?) can be used with the name and group conditional markups, thus:


(:if name PmCal.2005* :)  -  current page is in group PmCal and begins with 2005
(:if group PmWiki* :)  -  current page is in group PmWiki or a group beginning with PmWiki
(:if name Profiles.*,-Profiles.Profiles :)  -  current page is in group Profiles but not Profiles.Profiles

Use with page list templates

Conditional markup is used extensively with page list templates.

Use with page variables:

   =   current item
   <   previous item
   >   next item

Conditionals used to structure pagelist output:

   (:if equal {<$Group}:)               At beginning of list
   (:if equal {>$Group}:)               At end of list
   (:if ! equal {=$Group} {<$Group}:)   First item in group
   (:if ! equal {=$Group} {>$Group}:)   Last item in group

Combining conditions

Conditions (as previously defined) may be combined into more complex conditional expressions using one of these three equivalent forms:

(:if expr EXPRESSION :)
(:if [ EXPRESSION ] :)
(:if ( EXPRESSION ) :)

Conditions are combined into expressions with boolean operators and brackets. In the next table, A and B are either regular conditions or (round-)bracketed sub-expressions of regular conditions:

A and BAndTRUE if both A and B are TRUE.
A or BOrTRUE if either A or B is TRUE.
A xor BXorTRUE if either A or B is TRUE, but not both.
! ANotTRUE if A is not TRUE.
A && BAndTRUE if both A and B are TRUE.
A || BOrTRUE if either A or B is TRUE.


  • Spaces around operators and brackets are required.
  • No specific feedback is given for syntax errors or unbalanced brackets.
  • Use round brackets (not square) for nested expressions.

Thus, the following is a valid way of building an expression that shows the following contents only when the user is either the administrator, or is logged in and the time is later than the given date:

(:if [ auth admin || ( authid && date 2006-06-01 ) ] :)

Nesting with square brackets will silently fail to work as expected:

(:if [ auth admin || [ authid && date 2006-06-01 ] ] :)    NOTE: Doesn't Work!

A common use of these complex tests are for expressions like:

(:if expr auth admin || auth attr || auth edit :)
[[Logout -> {$Name}?action=logout]]

which provides a logout link only when the browser has admin, attr, or edit permissions.

admins (advanced)

Creating new conditions

See Cookbook:ConditionalMarkupSamples.

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Page last modified on May 26, 2007, at 05:44 PM